I Hear Wedding Bells!
This is the most important set of Magic: the Gathering to be released, as it involves the beautiful Olivia Voldaren just absolutely dunking on the Markov household. (This is Morgan's personal opinion, and does not represent the views of the store as a professional entity).
Crimson Vow is vampires and weddings and a powerful aristocratic energy, with some of the most beautiful art of murderers in fancy dress. Everything is terrible, and while humanity tries it's best to survive the Eternal Night, the monsters of Innistrad prepare to feast.
And as much as I plan to sing this set's praises because of the gorgeous and eerie lore and art style, it also looks like an amazing set to play! As is common of Innistrad sets, there is a huge emphasis on tribes, including U/W Spirits, U/B Zombies, W/G Humans, R/B Vampires, and R/G Werewolves!
I am incredibly excited to play this set, and if you are as well, hit us up on Facebook to check out our events for the weekend!
Hope to see many of you this week for the wedding of the millenia!