Thoughts on Crimson Vow Now That We've Had A Chance To Play
As is a surprise to very few, I (Morgan) am head over heels in love with this set. The mechanics all feel very on brand, and so much of the gameplay is about tricky decision making in a way I feel is incredibly fun. Playing the spirits deck in limited means that the priorities for blocking are very different, and playing any of the decks that utilize the blood mechanic mean that you have so many more options for card advantage.
I think this set is super fun, and with that in mind, here's a list of the cards I have killed or been killed with.
So in general, this card is fine. There's a fair amount of spells that buff your creatures in this set, and so you can do a decent amount of damage by relying on double strike. However more relevantly, this blocks all day every day until you can stick double strike on your big creature during the late game. Very much enjoy this card, although if it could stay on my side of the field that would be good!
I thought this card was bad until I got punched by a 3/4 that can also cast the biggest of dudes.
Flying is always more of a pain than I think it will be. Geralf is an incredibly well protected card, with his insane toughness, and the ability to crank out big flying zombies is extremely underrated. I think, given the number of relevant disturb spirits with interesting abilities, having a sacrifice outlet that also gains you huge benefit this spell should absolutely find a place in any blue limited deck you'll play.
Two blood tokens is the right number of blood tokens. For anything that uses them.
I'm enjoying this set, and I hope everyone else its as well! We have our release draft on Friday night, so make sure if you're interested to let us know.
Until then, stay safe and careful!
-Morgan and the team at Valkyrie Games