Peace is nothing but a result of war
Gundam is a Japanese military fiction media franchise created by Yoshiyuki Tomino and Sunrise (now Bandai Namco Filmworks), the franchise features giant robots, or mecha, with the name "Gundam". The franchise began on April 7, 1979, with Mobile Suit Gundam, a TV series that defined the mecha anime genre by featuring giant robots called mobile suits in a militaristic setting. The popularity of the series spawned a franchise that includes, TV series, manga, novels, video games and a whole industry of plastic model kits known as Gunpla.
Bandai proudly presents the Build Strike Exceed Galaxy, an exciting addition to the "Entry Grade" model kit lineup, featured in the highly anticipated "Gundam Build Series" 10th-anniversary video, "Gundam Build Metaverse"! This model kit offers a convenient and impressive building experience.
The parts of the Build Strike Exceed Galaxy are pre-cast in color, ensuring that the model will look amazing right out of the box without the need for painting. Simply assemble the model to achieve outstanding results. Despite its simplicity, the Build Strike Exceed Galaxy maintains full posability, allowing for a wide range of dynamic poses and displays.
Designed for ease of assembly, the parts can be easily removed from the gates without the need for nippers or additional tools, streamlining the building process.
In addition to its versatility, the Build Strike Exceed Galaxy features hard points in various locations, facilitating easy customization. Included boosters can be attached to the arms and legs, enhancing the model's aesthetic and giving it a distinctive appearance.
Grab yours today!
- Size: 20.5cm tall approx.
- Material: Plastic
- Grade: Entry Grade
- Scale: 1/144
Officially licensed merchandise