MTG Commander Masters Commander Decks

  • Sale
  • $100.00
  • Regular price $120.00
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Magic: The Gathering Commander Masters Commander decks

  • 4 COMMANDER DECKS—choose one of four Commander Masters Commander Decks, with 1 Eldrazi Unbound, 1 Enduring Enchantments, 1 Planeswalker Party, and 1 Sliver Swarm; each 100-card deck contains 2 Foil Legendary cards and 98 nonfoil cards
  • POWERFUL RIGHT OUT OF THE BOX—Take your Commander game to the next level with these high-powered, ready-to-play decks
  • PLAY WITH COMMANDER’S GREATEST HITS—Turn heads with decks stacked with reprints of some of the greatest cards to grace Magic’s most popular format
  • INTRODUCES 40 COMMANDER CARDS—Each deck also introduces 10 never-before-seen Magic: The Gathering cards
  • COLLECT SPECIAL TREATMENT CARDS—Every deck comes with a 2-card Collector Booster Sample Pack containing 2 special treatment cards (1 Rare and 1 Rare or Mythic Rare) from the Commander Masters set
  • EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO PLAY AND MORE—Each deck also comes with a 2-card Collector Booster Sample Pack, 1 Foil-Etched Display Commander, 10 double-sided tokens, 1 Helper card, 1 life tracker, and 1 deck box